Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Hurry UP and WAIT

So it's a "Talk about it Tuesday" which I created many moons ago, yet never took it seriously, basically completely forgot it even existed, and here we are.

With a glass of wine in tow, Ben Howard on Spotify, and a mind full of thoughts, here's how this blog post is going to start off.

Long, slow sip...

My last blog post entry was a brutally honest, yet very real in depth look into how my life has changed over the past 6 months. I've grown from this once bitter, "bitchy," hasty prude, who never wanted even the thought of raising a human child, to a more open-minded, spiritual, somewhat cheerful individual, who opened her extremely naive mind up to the thought of foster-adoption. Because heaven forbid, someone as mentally unstable and hypochondriac as myself could ever envision the thought of bearing children. Come on, it's me, Kadie. Really?

The amount of views I received from said blog post was mind boggling.


So now here's a new one for ya. One that's been on my mind for quite some time, pondering...almost lost in thought, then a spark of ignition and I have these thoughts wrapped around the cobwebs in my thinking cavity.

My life as I know it, is going to be changing in a few very short months. Well, it's more my [husband's] and my lives are going to be changing.

If you have absolutely no idea, my husband is currently in the service. Military.
This walk of life hasn't been the nicest to both of us, and a few years ago my husband made the decision to end his time in the military once his time in service was completed. And guess what folks-next year is it!! As much as we are completely thrilled by this ever closing chapter in our lives, I can't help but think, "We are so spoiled, and will so not be, once we return back to civilian life."

It's true.,.for the most part.

The military has provided quite a bit to a young and ignorant couple as ourselves. We unfortunately don't know anything else since we are a "military wed couple" who moved far across the world to an unknown fate just 6 days after saying "I do." We have been married for roughly 5 years currently, btw!

But this civilian world is going to be new, challenging, and basically a disaster, lol.
Ok maybe not a disaster, but it's going to be TOUGH.

Sip. Sip. Sip.

We have been very blessed to be offered housing from my husband's family, who are currently working on their rental for us, and then for more tenants in the future. I am so thankful for this opportunity because honestly, my husband and I wouldn't be able to afford rent when we move back to our hometown next year. The cost of living and rental prices are OUT OF THIS WORLD.

I wish we could buy a home. We've talked about it. But since my husband is separating, and will be unemployed, we will not qualify for any sort of home loan until we can prove we can provide a form of payment monthly. So there goes that.

I feel like I'm just babbling on this blog post, lol.

So there ya go. I feel like I'm hurry up and waiting for what feels like a century. I'm ready to be done with this current lifestyle, but at the same time I'm scared sh**less for what the future's going to hold. We'll be in limbo, unemployed, and basically starting off life from square one again. Talk about a game changer.

I would love to continue blogging my trials and tribulations of living amongst civilians again. It's going to be freaking scary. Part of my is ready, and part of my wants to curl up in the fetal position rocking myself while wearing footie pajamas and a jar of Nutella within arms reach.

Wish me luck.

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