Saturday, April 5, 2014


WARNING: This is a complaint blog post. If you dislike reading my complaint posts then feel free to skip over this one! Spanks.

Today isn't "Talk About It Tuesday" but I really felt this needed to be vented both on here as well as my personal Facebook. (If your not friends with me on my personal Facebook, then feel loved that you get to take a peak inside my personal life and read about what's getting at me tonight!)

I have to be honest, I'm not a part of the spouse community very aggressively. I'm just not a very social butterfly. And I'm okie dokie with that. I don't have a ton of friends here. And I'm okie dokie with that as well. I'm classified as a loner, the person that I hang out with the most is myself.

Ok back on topic!

So tonight I received a newsletter pertaining to the spouse community that I'm sort of a part of. The community members are aware that I actually exist here at this base, hence they have my e-mail address, phone number, etc. And some of the community board members are indeed my friends on Facebook. So when this newsletter came out online I was more than thrilled to endeavor and read more about what's going on with the daily life of the spouses here at this base.

Until I got to the second to the last page. There was a place for birthdays as well as anniversaries. Our anniversary is the 14th of this month (9 days!) and it wasn't listed. Let me just say I wasn't very excited it wasn't posted. However almost everyone at this base apparently has their anniversaries in April, and there was only 1 person's anniversary listed for the month of April, so it did make me feel slightly better.

I ask myself constantly, "Why even try to fit in here?" When I apparently am not counted for any effort that I attempt to put in? I do volunteer here and there...and that says a lot from someone who's not a very social butterfly.

To end this post off with a bang I'm just going to say always cover your bases. It really molds my oranges when people overlook certain things that really matter to other people. I don't care if people roll their eyes at our anniversary, but acknowledging the fact that it does exist would be nice.

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