Today I'm feeling tinkery. Is that even a word? Today I want to tell the world (well the 2 or 3 people out there in internet land...or via my Facebook page I shared this blog post on) more about myself.
No I'm not going to go into detail about personal things about me. Think of this as like the "25 random facts about me" post that was popular about 8 years ago on social media.
So here goes nothing:
Some random facts about me:
1.) I have never been to Canada and I live in the upper left of the US.
2.) I got married to someone I didn't know even a year...and am still married!
3.) I have never broken a bone in my body.
4.) I shiver at the thought of balloons popping.
5.) Cats have become a huge part of my inner secret crazy personal lifestyle.
6.) I have been cooking for my husband and I for a little over 3 years and I still can't cook any type of meat without over-cooking it to make sure it's 100% done.
7.) Green has been my favorite color since I was 4 years old.
8.) I struggle with mild anxiety and lack self confidence.
9.) I have dealt with number 8 my entire life.
10.) Spring used to be my absolute unfavorite season. Now it's my absolute favorite.
11.) I still don't understand the point of Groundhog's Day.
12.) My left hand finger nails grow faster than my right hand finger nails.
13.) I lived in Italy for almost 3 years and absolutely disliked it.
14.) I still don't want to ever go back to Italy ever again in my life.
15.) Not even if it was a paid vacation.
16.) Goats remind me of dogs with hooves. No joke.
17.) I have always, always, always thought out of the box with anything I set my mind to. I like to be different and tweaking normal things into something that is mine. I don't like replicating stuff.
18.) I am a major homebody and would be completely content being at home and never traveling the world.
19.) I can't watch medical tv shows or movies. Grey's Anatomy and House freak me out.
20.) I only wash my hair maybe twice a week.
21.) I can't stand the taste of vodka.
22.) I have a really strong and strange photogenic memory.
23.) I think about the world coming to an end no more than 2 times/day.
24.) When I was 9 I had a fear of swallowing food. I thought I was going to choke.
25.) The smell of cooked peas makes me gag.
26.) When I get really nervous my face turns bright red and I sweat profusely.
27.) I don't take any form of medications other than contraceptives.
28.) And my contraceptives aren't for that reason. I lack a small amount of hormones.
29.) If I see someone crying, then I will start crying.
30.) I can be socially retarded at times.
31.) I self tan 1-2 times a week. I have very, very fair porcelain skin that makes me look sickly. I have to get color!
32.) I really don't like cooking. I would rather do the dishes or laundry lol.
33.) I can make friends somewhat easily but can't keep in touch with most of them.
34.) I'm a self loner but hate being alone in a house for days on end.
35.) Someday I'd like to live in Canada.
36.) Bees are one of my greatest fears. Ironically my dad is a beekeeper.
37.) I let my mind wander off too often.
38.) I often find myself regretting small things that won't matter in 2 weeks.
39.) I can't drink coffee or I will literally bounce off the walls.
40.) I am tone deaf.
41.) My mood can go from one extreme to the other quite quickly.
42.) No I don't have bi polar.
43.) I could never own a dog. I love dogs but they require too much dependency for my lifestyle.
44.) I may never have children.
45.) I can't multitask. My mind doesn't work like that.
46.) I could eat sushi all day err day.
47.) I can read a magazine for hours.
48.) I am NOT a morning person.
49.) I sometimes wish social media never existed. Though I'm completely dependent on it.
50.) I honestly have no idea how my husband puts up with me most days.
And that's it for now. Not too personal, but enough to get a perspective about me. I'm really not all that weird but a bit off from normal civilization!